WASHINGTON, D.C.–Hispanic Leadership Fund President, Mario H. Lopez issued the following statement in reaction to President Trump’s joint address to Congress:

“We are encouraged by the president’s overall message about vital challenges faced by our nation and the need to address them. 

HLF supports promoting more economic growth by lowering taxes for working-class families, cutting wasteful spending and reducing cumbersome regulations for small businesses.  It is past time to pass a much-needed tax reform so that businesses can compete and prosper. 

While we are encouraged about the call for immigration reform, as a nation we need to understand that the economic truth is that immigrants as a whole from all skill levels contribute massively to our country’s economic growth and pay their own way as taxpayers.  We strongly agree that removing bad actors from the country should be the highest priority and applaud the recognition of DACA recipients as not in the same category as those who have committed serious crimes.  Smart reform that secures the border and constructively addresses the future flow of workers will be a win for all Americans.

Congress must also establish a health care system that expands choice so that all Americans have access to affordable healthcare.  All Americans should have a choice on purchasing health insurance through a national marketplace.  Free market competition benefits consumers. 

Every child must have access to a high-quality education, no matter their zip code or their parent’s income.  Our underprivileged youth, including millions of Latino children, deserve access to good schools and great teachers.  This an indeed the civil rights issue of our time.

The Hispanic Leadership Fund stands ready to work with Congress and the president for policies and laws that lift working-class families so everyone can achieve the American Dream.”