It recently came to our attention that Harry Reid was airing commercials with vastly different messages in Spanish and English, bragging that he’ll send U.S. Troops to the border in English ads, while saying he “has always been with us” in Spanish ads. HLF and another group wrote to the Senator this week demanding that he apologize for this dishonest double-talk.

In July 2010, Reid launched an ad in Spanish, Mundial, which tells Nevada’s Spanish speakers: “In good times and bad moments, our senator has always been with us.” This ad has strong hopeful language and tone, telling Spanish speakers that no one has done more for Nevada.

But several weeks after the launch of Mundial, Reid launched an English-language television advertisement “400 Miles” – where Reid boasts about being responsible for 400 miles of new “barriers” for the U.S. Mexico border, 4000 new border agents, drone aircraft and National Guard troops protecting the border.

HLF President Mario H. Lopez made the following statement; “Harry Reid needs to explain to voters why he is engaging in such shamelessly duplicitous double-talk–telling Spanish-speaking voters that he will promote programs favorable to immigrants, while telling English-speakers that he’ll use military troops and aircraft to secure the border. Harry Reid killed immigration reform in 2007, and offers only increased government dependency and massive debt to our children. This is another blatant attempt to hide his failed record as a Washington politician.”