The internet continues to propel American small business, allowing for a terrific increase in economic opportunity across sectors.  This climate has developed because we have let a free market, ‘light touch’ approach that allows the internet to belong to the people.

Some politicians that want a stark increase in federal government involvement that would hurt how private citizens use the internet, and this month is a great reminder of the extraordinary predictions from some quarters of what would happen when the Federal Communications Commission repealed a past political attempt to increase government control of the Internet.

They were wrong. The United States continues to do more successful business than ever on the internet. Areas like online commerce and communications are still thriving, and doing so with less intervention from the government.  The internet continues to get stronger and faster with growth and access increasing at a steady pace.

The wild and catastrophic predictions from some politicians never materialized–a good lesson for the next time Washington politicians make hysterical claims about a policy change while in the same breath demanding more control over Americans economic fate.