The Hispanic Leadership Fund issued a statement today from its President Mario H. Lopez commenting on its Political Action Committee endorsement of Jon Barela, who is running to represent the First Congressional District of New Mexico: “Jon Barela represents an ...
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It recently came to our attention that Harry Reid was airing commercials with vastly different messages in Spanish and English, bragging that he’ll send U.S. Troops to the border in English ads, while saying he “has always been with us” ...
Read MoreThe Hispanic Leadership Fund today announced that its Political Action Committee endorses Carly Fiorina, who is running for the U.S. Senate in California for the seat currently held by Barabara Boxer. The statement from HLF President Mario H. Lopez:
Read MoreThe Huffington Post ran an op-ed piece yesterday by HLF President Mario H. Lopez comparing Barbara Boxer and Carly Fiorina. Lopez discusses two issues: immigration and the current water crisis in California Central Valley, to show that Boxer has taken ...
Read MoreConservative blogger John Hawkins as an article on Townhall today on “Six Reasons Why Conservatives Should Embrace Identity Politics” and mentions the Hispanic Leadership Fund as one of the organizations hard at work on communicating to minorities.
Read MoreThis past weekend, the Hispanic Leadership Fund co-sponsored a candidate training summit in Dallas. The series of seminars featured 35 state and local candidates for elected office from 15 different states. HLF President Mario H. Lopez addressed the candidates and ...
Read MoreToday is Cost of Government Day. The average American worker has spent every day from January 1 until today working exclusively to earn enough to pay for his/her share of government and regulation at every level–local, state and federal.
Read MoreHLF President Mario H. Lopez has an op-ed in today’s Rio Grande Guardian () discussing the issue of “Net Neutrality” and the harmful impact such regulations would have on the Latino community. You can read the piece below or at ...
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