Category Archives: HLF in the Media

22 Jul

HLF Cautions Against SNAP Restrictions Targeting Consumer Choice

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the Hispanic Leadership Fund released an issue brief diving into the unintended consequences of limiting food choices under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), and how proposed legislation and pilot programs would harm households facing economic ...

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17 Jun

Another Amicus Brief In Legal Proceedings Against DOL’s “Fiduciary Rule”

Earlier this month, HLF filed an amicus brief supporting a lawsuit brought by the Federation of Americans for Consumer Choice to prevent a harmful new fiduciary rule from the U.S.  Department of Labor (DOL) from going into effect.  Our previous ...

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12 Jun

Asset Managers Expand Investor Choice, Heeding Backlash

For what feels like the hundredth time, the Judiciary Committee in the U.S. House of Representatives is holding a hearing today over environmental, social and governance (ESG) spending in the private sector, seeking to review whether “current antitrust laws are ...

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04 Jun

HLF Files Amicus Brief In Legal Case Against Latest Push For “Fiduciary Rule” Regulation

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) recently tripled down on its attempt to resurrect its “fiduciary rule” that deals with how investors receive and pay for advice from financial advisors.  The regulation would severely hamper the ability of millions of ...

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20 May

Free Market Organizations Call on Agriculture Leadership to Promote Freedom and Consumer Choice, Not Government Restrictions

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, a coalition effort of 13 limited-government and free-market organizations, led by the Hispanic Leadership Fund, sent a letter to House and Senate Agriculture leaders in advance of Farm Bill discussions later this month, objecting to any ...

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14 Nov

HLF Launches Multi-State Bilingual Digital Audio Ad Campaign Encouraging U.S. Senators to Support Reducing Credit Card Swipe Fees

WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the Hispanic Leadership Fund (HLF), a public policy advocacy organization that promotes liberty, opportunity, and prosperity, launched a bilingual streaming radio advertising campaign in multiple states encouraging constituents to contact U.S. Senators in support of the ...

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14 Oct

Philanthropy Roundtable Features HLF’s Work to Advance Historically Proven Principles in Public Policy

The Philanthropy Roundtable, a nonprofit membership association of donors whose mission is “to foster excellence in philanthropy, protect philanthropic freedom and help donors advance liberty, opportunity and personal responsibility,” recently highlighted HLF’s public policy advocacy work by interviewing HLF president ...

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31 Jan

Federal Reserve Analysis Confirms HLF Study on Swipe Fees and Credit Card Rewards

The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System recently released an economic analysis focused on credit card fees and reward programs.  The paper, in part, confirms independent analysis done in an HLF report last year that found that lower ...

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